Dan Lammot, threshold.world's CEO and Co-Founder spoke at Fluxx's annual user conference, FLUXXCON, on October 12, 2022.
The session, titled "Applying the Nonprofit Common Data Model: Leveraging a common data language to increase capacity" will cover the history of the Nonprofit Common Data Model, the outputs and outcomes achieved by shared data languages, and a showcase of how threshold.world has applied the Nonprofit Common Data Model to deliver b.world, the world's first integrated program design, impact measurement, and storytelling platform.
Watch the full session here, courtesy of Fluxx:
The following are highlights from the presentation:

FLUXXCON is an interactive virtual conference that includes 2 days of interactive sessions featuring an in-depth look at how technology and philanthropy are collaborating for greater impact. Purchase tickets for the event here.
Resources about the Nonprofit Common Data Model can be found here:
Register for b.world
CDM Entity Relationship Diagrams or direct ERD Download
Download or test drive the Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator from AppSource (https://appsource.Microsoft.com)
Use the Demo Guide to walk through the CDM in Microsoft Dataverse
Core Metadata Reference (all tables and fields in Excel)
Join the CDM for Nonprofits Community
Watch these threshold.world CDM Intro Videos
Our gratitude to Fluxx CEO, Kristy Gannon, and Fluxx Co-Founder and Chief Development Officer, Kerrin Mitchell, for including Dan in the conference. We admire your visionary leadership and contributions to accelerating the pace of change.